Nestled in the rolling hills near San Ramon, Amritalaya provides the perfect ambience for higher learning in the arts and sciences. The main temple and the surrounding buildings are sanctified by sacred prayers and hymns being continuously chanted for over thirty years. The highlights of the weekly programs are the Saturday night Satsang with climatic devotional singing for nearly two hours. We have had many inquiries from visitors to the ashram about wanting to learn classical Indian music and in particular devotional singing. Amritalaya was created to serve this long-standing need amongst the community. Carnatic music has its emphasis on vocal music and is centered on compositions with a principal performer and other accompanying instruments such as a table, violin, harmonium, and cymbals. In conclusion, we provide some direct quotes from Amma on devotional singing to gain concentration in this age of materialism, bhajan is easier than meditation. By loud singing, other distracting sounds will be overcome and concentration will be achieved. Bhajan, concentration and meditation, this is the progression. In fact, the constant remembrance of God is meditation. Bhajans sung with one-pointedness will benefit the singer, the listener and also Mother Nature. Such songs will awaken the listeners’ minds in due course. If the bhajan is sung without concentration, it is a waste of energy. It is a spiritual discipline aimed at concentrating the mind on one’s beloved deity. Through that one-pointedness, one can merge in the divine being and experience the bliss of one’s true self.